The article written by Gay Su Pinnell focuses on what teachers can do to make the best out of their teaching. Teachers have their theories of how they believe children learn. It is important to put this theory into action while you are in the classroom. There are many researched practices in the media that aid teachers in helping students succeed, but it some school invest financially in these products without getting to the main source of the problem. Improving teacher's skills rather than the technology and media is more beneficial to the school and the students. Pinnell states, "Sustainable improvement requires investment in building long-term capacity for improvement, such as the development of teacher's skills, which will stay with them forever, long after the project money has gone." This so true, because once these teachers learn and apply these skills, they will stick with them forever.
The article by Frey and Fisher given explicit strategies that aid teachers in organizing an effective environment to assure that learning takes place in the classroom. From various strategies like visual, verbal, physical, gestural, and environmental cues; to examples of questions to ask the students in helping them engage in metacognition. Once students become aware of how they are learning, they will be able to apply this in all other areas of their academics. The hard part is being able to help students become aware of their thinking and what works best for them.
This video highlights two teachers who are considered "great teachers" who excite the students and make learning exciting by empowering the students.
1. Do you believe that teachers must have a controlled classroom in order for effective learning to take place, or can chaos and learning take place simultaneously?
Week One Blog Post
11 years ago
I Think that sometimes its best for us to learn to control chaos. Chaos is inevitable so being able to create useful time during days where everything is off alignment is a really good quality to read about and practice.